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Equinox Enterprises
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High Seas Heaven ‘n’ Hell

Rockin’ Lobster and
Rolling Seas

Keep Ahead of the Highliner

Patience, Perseverance,
Party Time

Changing Course

Enjoy the Island Life:
Reunite with Friends and Family

Speed the Machine

Eat Ice Cream

Get it Done!

Kiss a Lobster

Find the Right Lure

In Fair Wind or Foul, It’s
All for One & One for All

Rising before the sun, I listen to the weather radio while the coffee brews and plan my fishing strategy for the day according to the wind and seas. Then, it's into my woolies and oil gear and off to meet my crew at the harbor where the Equinox is moored, loaded with enough bait and fuel to take us through 600 traps in three days.


Getting the 40-foot lobsterboat ready to haul traps is like opening up shop for the day. The wheelhouse doors are latched open and the davit swung into position. While I check the oil and get the electronics going, the crew preps the bait. Once all systems are "go," I rev up the boat's rumbling 660-horsepower diesel engine and head for our first string of traps.


Before long, we're "rocking-and-a-rolling" with the sea and the music blasting from the CD player. The rougher the weather, the louder the music; it helps to ward off winter's frosty chill and keeps the crew in sync while culling through lobsters and baiting up traps. But as sea spray freezes into saltwater ice, we're "slipping-and-a-sliding" trying not to fall overboard.


To catch a lobster, you've got to think like a lobster. The little darlings like to hang out along a rocky edge near a muddy bottom, so that's where I set my traps. And, even after 15 years of lobster fishing, I still get excited when each trap comes over the rail, to see what treasures it holds. The best is when it's CHOCK FULL OF LOBSTERS!


Our workday ends with the setting sun but before closing up shop and heading to shore, we load our catch into a lobster car (submerged wooden box) where it waits to go to market. Then we kick back with the rest of the fleet, drinking a toast to the lobster gods for another safe and successful day at sea.



Day in the life copy by Byline Productions

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